Shothik AI: How To Use, Pricing, Alternatives, And More

Shothik AI is an innovative startup from Bangladesh that offers AI-powered solutions tailored specifically for the Bangla language. With advanced natural language processing technology, Shothik AI aims to assist Bangla writers in enhancing their writing skills and generating high-quality content.

What is Shothik AI

Shothik AI is a highly intelligent writing assistant proficient in both Bengali and English languages. Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence, it acts as a versatile tool to aid in writing tasks, offering functions like grammar checking, text summarization, and even creative writing assistance.

Whether you’re a student, writer, blogger, or simply seeking to enhance your writing skills, Shothik AI can serve as your dependable companion. It’s akin to having a personal writing coach readily available to support and improve your writing endeavors.

Features of Shothik AI

Shothik AI stands out as a robust AI writing tool designed to elevate your writing prowess with its diverse array of features.

Let’s delve into some of the standout features of Shothik AI:

  • Grammar checking: Seamlessly identifying and rectifying grammar errors within your writing, Shothik AI also offers tailored suggestions to enhance your writing style, aligning with your professional needs.
  • Text summarization: Transforming lengthy texts into succinct summaries, Shothik AI is invaluable for students, researchers, and anyone seeking quick comprehension of extensive documents.

  • Content creation: Unlocking your creativity, Shothik AI facilitates the creation of original content, be it poems, scripts, or blog posts, catering to the needs of writers and content creators alike.
  • Translation: Bridging language barriers, Shothik AI proficiently translates text between Bengali and English, fostering effective communication across diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  • User-friendly interface: With a intuitive interface, Shothik AI ensures ease of use, simplifying your writing process.
  • Cloud-based: As a cloud-based application, Shothik AI offers seamless accessibility from anywhere, providing convenience and flexibility to users.
  • Affordability: Available at an affordable price point, Shothik AI caters to the needs of students, researchers, and businesses of all scales, ensuring accessibility without compromising on quality.

How to use Shothik AI

Step1: Visit the Shothik AI website.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Tools” section and select the “Paraphrase” tool or any other tool you wish to use.

Step 3: Paste the text you want to paraphrase or improve into the provided text box.

Step 4 :Click on the “Paraphrase” or “Improve” button to generate a new text.

Step 5: Review the new text and make any necessary edits.

Step 6: Copy the new text and use it as desired.

Who uses Shothik AI?

Well, while we don’t possess precise data regarding the specific users, owing to privacy considerations, the diverse features and capabilities of Shothik AI suggest a broad array of potential users:

  • Students: Shothik AI emerges as a boon for students aiming to refine their writing prowess. From fine-tuning grammar to simplifying convoluted texts, it aids in enhancing overall writing skills.
  • Writers and Content Creators: For those entrenched in the world of words, Shothik AI serves as a reliable companion. It’s instrumental in sparking creativity, combatting writer’s block, and elevating the caliber of content.
  • Professionals: The tool proves indispensable for professionals seeking polished communication. Whether it’s rectifying grammatical errors, translating documents, or condensing lengthy reports, Shothik AI streamlines the process.
  • Educational Institutions: Shothik AI finds its way into educational settings, assisting institutions in fostering students’ writing proficiency and facilitating language acquisition.
  • Marketing and Communication Agencies: In the realm of marketing and communication, Shothik AI is a prized asset. It aids agencies in crafting compelling content across various platforms, be it blog posts, social media updates, or marketing collateral.
  • Media and Publishing Houses: For media outlets and publishing firms, Shothik AI proves invaluable in the editorial realm. It aids in refining content, translating articles, and even conjuring up fresh ideas.
  • Any Organization Prioritizing Effective Communication: Lastly, Shothik AI caters to the needs of any entity striving for enhanced written communication. Whether it’s internal memos, client correspondence, or public announcements, Shothik AI helps in articulating messages with precision and clarity.

In essence, Shothik AI transcends boundaries, catering to a diverse spectrum of users seeking to bolster their written communication skills and elevate the quality of their content.

Shothik AI Alternatives

Looking for alternatives to Shothik AI? Consider these options:

1.Grammarly: Grammarly stands out as a widely-used grammar checker renowned for its ability to pinpoint and rectify grammar errors in your writing. Additionally, it provides valuable suggestions for enhancing your writing style.

2.ProWritingAid: Much like Shothik AI, ProWritingAid offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at refining your writing. From grammar and style checking to plagiarism detection, it covers various aspects to elevate the quality of your content.

3.Hemingway Editor: If clarity and conciseness are your goals, the Hemingway Editor comes to the rescue. This tool helps streamline your writing by highlighting areas that may be difficult to comprehend or overly verbose.

4.Wordtune: Wordtune steps in as a helpful tool for improving your writing by suggesting alternative words and phrases, allowing you to express yourself with greater precision and flair.

5.Ginger: As a grammar checker and writing assistant, Ginger offers a plethora of features akin to Shothik AI. From grammar and spell checking to punctuation and style checking, it provides comprehensive support for refining your writing.

Each of these alternatives brings its own unique strengths to the table, providing valuable assistance in enhancing your writing skills and polishing your content to perfection.

Pros ans Cons of Shothik AI


  • Grammar Checking: Shothik AI adeptly identifies errors and offers suggestions for improvement, ensuring polished writing.
  • Summarization: It efficiently condenses lengthy texts, facilitating quick comprehension of complex information.
  • Content Creation: Whether it’s brainstorming ideas or crafting poems and scripts, Shothik AI serves as a creative companion.
  • Translation: Bridging linguistic gaps between Bengali and English, Shothik AI facilitates seamless communication.
  • User-Friendly: With an intuitive interface, Shothik AI caters to both novices and seasoned users, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
  • Cloud-Based: Accessible from any location with an internet connection, Shothik AI offers convenience and flexibility.


  1. Limited Language Support: Shothik AI currently only accommodates Bengali and English, limiting its accessibility to users of other languages.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Transparency regarding data usage and potential biases is warranted to address privacy apprehensions among users.
  3. Overdependence: While beneficial, excessive reliance on Shothik AI may impede the development of one’s writing skills, hindering personal growth.
  4. Accuracy Limitations: Despite its prowess, Shothik AI isn’t infallible and may occasionally exhibit errors in grammar, summaries, and content generation.
  5. Subscription Fee: While a free plan is available, access to premium features necessitates a subscription, potentially deterring budget-conscious users.

In weighing the pros and cons of Shothik AI, users can make informed decisions regarding its suitability for their writing needs.

Is Shothik AI Free and it’s pricing

Certainly! Shothik AI does provide a free plan, granting users access to a selection of its features.

Yet, for those seeking to leverage the complete range of functionalities offered by the tool, opting for a paid subscription is necessary.


In summary, Shothik AI emerges as a robust solution for enhancing writing skills across various aspects. Its paraphrasing, grammar enhancement, and vocabulary enrichment tools assist writers in crafting clear, concise, and professional texts.

If you’re aiming to elevate your writing proficiency, Shothik AI stands out as an excellent choice to consider.

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